2024年美国游泳池和水疗展览会(POOL SPA PAT)|泳池水处理|桑拿水疗

2024年美国游泳池和水疗展览会(POOL SPA PAT)


2024年美国游泳池和水疗展览会(POOL SPA PAT)展会时间:2024年11月12日~11月14

2024年美国游泳池和水疗展览会(POOL SPA PAT)展会地点:Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center ,Dallas,Texas

2024年美国游泳池和水疗展览会(POOL SPA PAT)主办方:nforma Exhibitions LLC

2024年美国游泳池和水疗展览会(POOL SPA PAT)组展单位:北京领汇国际展览公司

2024年美国游泳池和水疗展览会(POOL SPA PAT)举办周期:一年一届

2024年美国游泳池和水疗展览会(POOL SPA PAT)


参展商在 POOL SPA PAT 展览会上展示了各种类型的游泳池设备、水疗产品、水景设计方案以及与之相关的材料和技术。观众可以了解到游泳池和水疗设备的最新发展,从游泳池的设计和施工到水质处理和维护,以及如何在室内和室外创造出独特的水景效果。

At the POOL SPA PAT exhibition, exhibitors showcased various types of swimming pool equipment, spaproducts, water feature design schemes and the materials and technologies associated with them. Visitors can learn about the latest developments in swimming pool and spa equipment, from pool design and construction to water quality treatment and maintenance, and how to create unique water feature effects both indoors and outdoors.

除了展示产品和技术,POOL SPA PAT 展览会还提供了一系列的研讨会、讲座和专家演讲,涵盖了行业趋势、最佳实践以及技术创新。这些活动为参与者提供了一个了解行业动态、学习新知识和交流经验的机会。

In addition to showcasing products and technologies, the POOL SPA PAT exhibition also offers a series of seminars, lectures and expert presentations covering industry trends, best practices and technological innovations. These events provide an opportunity for participants to learn about industry dynamics, learn new knowledge and exchange experiences.


